
Below is a project I have done recently to brush upon my DL skills. As you can see, you can upload a sudoku puzzle image, OCR all the digits and get the solution instantaneously!

(I was wishing to deploy it on Heroku but the project was a bit on the bigger side and exceeded the free dyno’s limit)

Big shout-out to Adrian Rosebrock’s amazing post that helped a lot with the computer vision part by the way!

Skills Covered

  • Computer Vision(OpenCV, OCR)
  • Deep Learning(Pytorch, CNN)
  • Optimization(Pulp, Linear Programming)


architecture The pipeline consists of three parts:

  • Digit Extraction. This part is done by OpenCV, which takes a raw image, finds the square that contains the puzzle, and then goes over each cell and extracts each digit.
  • Digit OCR. This part is done by Pytorch. For that, I trained a CNN model myself on the MNIST digit recognition dataset. The predictions are a hit and miss depending on the image input. However, for a production project, the Google Tesseract OCR would be a much better alternative!
  • Sudoku solver. This part is done by Pulp. By specifying all the constraints of Sudoku(like each number can appear once in a 3*3 box), we can let Pulp do all the heavy-lifting and return us the puzzle solution!

How to use it?

Download the whole repo and run the run.sh file.